Wednesday, October 22, 2008


We landed an hour outside the city.  The first picture was taken from the bus ride through the country into the city.  The second picture is of the Fountain St. Michel in the Latin Quarter.  This is where we met up with Marty, a friend we stayed with who is on a study abroad.  We got settled in and headed out for something to eat.  Somewhere along the way, Marty took us on a detour and told us to look to our left when we passed the edge of the upcoming building.  Through a clearing of buildings, we had a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower.  It was amazing (the picture is, however, horrible...Jill has better pictures that I'll be getting soon).  Never mind dinner, we had to go check out the Eiffel Tower.  Its usually illuminated gold, but in celebration of the E.U., they had blue lights shining on it and the E.U. stars on the front, as you can sort of see.  The view from the top was beautiful - you can see all the lights around you.  The last two pictures are of the Chapel of the Sacred Heart, Montmarte.  The church sits on the highest land point of Paris.  We trekked uphill and upstairs for what seemed like forever.  The view of the city from there was worth it.  After taking a rest, we walked around a little shopping district and had lunch. Note: our diet in paris was primarily pastries and crepes.

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